Sunday, 25 February 2007

a short note on Sunday

will tell us about the grandchildren, Bjørk and Hilja, staying the night while their parents had an evening off. It will tell about taking the girls skating in the morning and taking av longer walk with the dog, allowing her to run free where she could do no harm. Luckily she didn't see the roe crossing the open field behind us and disappearing again behind the trees along the brook.
The days are noticeably longer, and the sun sets at 5.25 am.

Friday, 23 February 2007

Friday with a cold wind

and we are discouraged from going to the cabin in the mountains. So we stay at home and arrange to meet some friends on Saturday. We start at the gym in the morning and end up with coffee and cakes somewhere. I shall take the dog for a walk, and there are a few things to be done both outside and inside the house.

Thursday, 15 February 2007

this is to be a continuation of

a blog created back in 2003, and it is going to be my English water hole in addition to blogs in other languages. The title Saywords is taken from Samuel Beckett: in order to go on he has just to say words.I have other ways of expression as well: my body in sports and outdoor life, music, art, etc. But language, speech and writing, is of ultimate importance and keeps me going.

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