Sunday 18 March 2007

I was making a list of how I practiced language

in the course of a day, and here are the language activities that I found:

- private talk, chats with friends
- professional talk, tuition
- 2-3 times a week: lectures and talks
- telephone calls

- sms, msn, e-mail
- blogging, 3-4 different
- lectures
- correcting, councelling others' writings
- taking notes, diary entries

- newspapers, magazines
- Internet news, googling, wikipedia, etc.
- faction
- fiction

listening (and watching):
- radio (news, variuous P2)
- TV (news, debates, entertainment)
- audio books (fact & fiction)

I might observe how much time I spend on these language activities.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sehr interessant, Finn! Es gab mir eine Idee, dasselbe zu versuchen. Ich sage oft zu meinen Freunden, dass es für mich um 4 Uhr tags keine magische Grenze gibt, dh: Ich mache fast dieselben Dinge in meiner Freizeit wie in meiner Arbeit: irgendwelches mit "Sprache".

26 March 2007 at 00:57  

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