Thursday 3 May 2007

he died in 632,

but before that he did some amazing thinking at the same time as he made use of what others had thought earlier. He tried to impose order on the chaos as most of us do, and he established a few fixed rules for everything, and presented this in various curans as laws in what was later called the Koran, the lawbook. About women he said:
-Women can inherit goods.
-A man may not leave his wife simply because he has met another woman he likes.
-It is forbidden to use violence to make a woman sleep with you.
-Leave your wife alone if she is not feeling well.
Muhammad's laws were so unacceptable that the men conspired to kill him in his sleep.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Warum ist er dann während der Generationen in dem Grad missverstanden worden? Oder ist er nicht? Wo sind die autoritativen Interpretationen? Vielleicht hätten wir konvertieren sollen...?

8 May 2007 at 20:47  

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